Kymera’s InfluxDB Module was developed to enable the use of InfluxDB as a storage backend to Ignition’s tag historian. The module facilitates both the historization of tag data and the querying of the history set from within Ignition for the purposes of charting and reporting. Data is inserted into a custom schema designed to best leverage InfluxDB’s efficiencies.
InfluxDB is a purpose built time-series database, and in our testing consistently outperforms the maximum insert rate of typical relational databases running on the same hardware in the case of historized data from Ignition by an order of magnitude, and we’d recommend InfluxDB to any customers looking to historize large volumes of data.
Ignition’s default buffering solution proved inadequate for Influx’ required throughput, so the Kymera Systems InfluxDB driver makes use of a high rate compressed storage solution.
$5,000 USD

One Platform. Unlimited Possibilities.